

Scrolling through SMS history

Almost everything we do or say on our mobile devices is recorded and archived, comprising a huge database of moments in our lives.

You may have texted jokes, love poems, appointment reminders or meet up spots (and times)... Now lets you print any or all of your text message conversations onto decorative scrolls as a memento.


Although works with the sentimentalism of keeping a physical record of conversations you've had with your friends, a family member, a loved one, (the list goes on), we are thinking on the power this could have as a loyalty tool (engaging in 2way conversations via SMS anyone?).


 And yes, don't fret, comes with a powerful search engine to dig your SMS stories! Check out this (beautiful!) video that shows all it could be.

Do you know of any other companies tapping into converting mobile info into physical objects?

We learnt about this awesome startup via Springwise. You can read the whole article here and you can find more on their website.

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